Special Announcement! Pin your fave adult tube videos and more!

There is nothing we enjoy more than bringing you new features and ways to make Freakden even more fun for everyone. With that being said we are pumped to let you all know that you can now pin your favorite adult videos from more places than ever before!

Pin Your Favorite Videos

Up until now we have only been able to pin videos from YouTube and Vimeo but now you can pin from your favorite adult tube sites as well and view them right here anytime you’d like. Oh hell yes, now it’s time to get your freak on!

Browse and pin your favorite porn videos, tease videos or whatever you’d like from the following sexy ass sites and more:

Red Tube

You Porn

How do you do it? Use the free Freakden Bookmarklet and pin them as you view them! It doesn’t get any easier or more fun! We hope you all enjoy this great new feature!