Denver Shoemaker gave a big dick blowjob to wrap up fashion show

For months I’ve been trying to come out as a trans woman to people I know but could never decide what the best way to do it would be. So like people continued to think of me as Denver Shoemaker the guy instead of Denver Alana Shoemaker the trans-girl like I wanted.

After always chickening out at the last minute, I decided to discuss it with a couple girls I got to know from working together over the years. I trust them, so I figured who better than a few people that know about my secret.

Devising a plan with some gal pals

My plan was to figure out a way to let everyone I know that I like to dress up like a girl, look pretty and wear like totally hot feminine outfits. In my mind that would be a good stepping stone toward revealing that I love cock later on down the road and plan to become a trans woman.

That way I could also dress up girly whenever I wanted to and once they all got used to that then I could ease into telling them about my hunger for hot cock later on. Last thing I wanted to do was totally shock the hell out of everyone I know.

I explained this to my gal pals and they agreed that it sounded like a reasonable plan. At least this would make it so if anyone spotted me in my bikini or wiggling my buns on the boardwalk then it would make sense. They didn’t need to know about the constant stream of homosexual thoughts I have about pleasuring big cocks with horny sissy holes.

As we discussed this my friend mentioned that she had been working for a company that hosts local events of all different types and had a venue I could use if I wanted to bring everyone together at one time for my big reveal. She said there was even a small runway/stage area I could use if I wanted to talk about it in front of everyone.

That made me think like OMG, I could totally get on stage and model a few of my girly outfits for everyone. If I did that then they’d all see exactly what I mean and it would be even easier for them to understand what I was into. How perfect! The plan was set!

Denver’s Fashion Show Begins

After a couple days of texting everyone I wanted to invite, my gal pals and I headed over the venue to setup. I brought some cute outfits and even some lingerie in case I was feeling really confident.

My friends told me everything would be fine and even agreed to help along the way. They had a microphone set up and brought out a chair for me to sit in if I wanted. It was perfect!

As people began to show up I got nervous and kept asking what I should wear. I was thinking maybe just a dress and my wig but my friends insisted that I just rip the band-aid off and go out in my naughty new red lingerie.

My one friend went out to help everyone get seated and pass out drinks while my other gal pal and I stayed behind the curtain to do up the finishing touches of my outfit. I could hear people talking and even some were yelling stuff like, “Come on out Denver! We support you!”

So my friend is like you go ahead and strut on out there, I’ll take care of the music and get this chair out of the way for now. She really had me feeling good about this and as the music came on I mustered up the nerve and walked out from behind the curtain.

Working the runway

It was so exciting to be out there wearing my sexy red lingerie with everyone I knew seeing me. The moment I stepped out they started cheering, screaming and laughing while taking pics of me. It was all in good fun.

My friends were playing some of my favorite songs and the crowd all had me feeling pumped up. It was like the longer I was out there the better I felt about the whole situation. So I strutted my jiggly buns and boobies down the runway, waved at everyone and did a little spin for the crowd. It was like so much fun working it for everyone!

I was posing, throwing flirty smiles at them and loving all the positivity coming from everyone. The couple drink I had backstage definitely helped ease my nerves but the fact that nobody was acting pissed off or anything crazy at all had me feeling like this was really my moment to show off in front of them and let my inner sissy girl shine!

My moment in the spotlight

Then the lights got a bit lower and the music changed over to something a bit slower and more sexy sounding. I was totally feeling the vibe and that’s when I heard everyone in the crowd really start hooting and hollering. I noticed a spotlight pop up toward the other end of the stage so I did this sexy twirl and strutted toward the light.

That was when I realized the chair was lit up under it and there was a super frigging hot stud sitting in the chair with his huge long hard cock sticking out. Even with my buzz going from the drinks I was shocked but at the same time I couldn’t take my eyes off that dick.

I also couldn’t turn back now and make a fool out of myself! Looking around the stage I couldn’t spot my gal pals anywhere, so I pretended as if I knew what was going on and strutted towards the guy. Once I was in front of him I felt my thighs tremble at the sight of his thick dick and my mouth began to salivate but I tried my best to play it cool as if it was part of the show. Last thing I wanted to do was make a fool out of myself after making everyone all come out here to see me.

The only thing I could think of was to just start giving him a lap dance. I glanced around the crowd and saw that everyone was staring right at us, snapping pics and really starting to get loud like they were loving it. It was all so overwhelming that I just went with the flow and started sliding my cheeks up and down his shaft like I was sliding a wiener between my hotdog bun, if you know what I mean.

Then I turned around and started hump dancing him from the front. That was when he started stroking his cock and when I leaned in toward him he told me to get down on my knees and suck it for the crowd and to “be a good girl.”

The big cocky grin on his face did something to me because I literally got weak in the knees and next thing I know I was on them. My lingerie thong buns were in the air and there I was licking, kissing and sucking on this hot gay stud’s huge cock in front of practically everyone I know.

They were all crowding around the stage snapping pics and egging me on. I could tell they had clearly been enjoying the free drinks because they weren’t holding back. I had people telling me to suck on his big balls and even had a male friend of mine tell me to kiss the guy’s tip like a little bitch.

There was no resisting, I just kept doing everything they told me to do. I was even posing for pics like a total cock slut. Smiling for the camera with a dick pressed against my face, snapping pics of me kissing it and gagging on his girth. It was crazy! There was even a moment, I’ll never forget, where I just started sticking my tongue out while he slapped his cock on it over and over again. The whole time I just kept saying, “Please do it again, Daddy! I love that big tasty dick, Daddy!”

Wrapping up the show

The last thing I remember before everyone left, was me on the stage still on my knees, as everyone snapped pics, pointing and laughing at me as they walked by to leave. I stayed on the stage like a naughty little dick slut waiting for more, my lips all swollen and cum coated. The reality of how I had gone past the point of return didn’t even set in until the next day when I woke up completely sober with reality setting in majorly.

Now everyone I know is probably showing people the pics and videos they took, all laughing at how much of a panty wearing sissy cock slut I am. What was all supposed to be a little harmless fashion show turned into half the people in my town now thinking of me as the slutty lingerie wearing trans sissy dick sucker! There is no going back now!

I wouldn’t be surprised if after all that I end up becoming known as the town slut. Oh what a night!

– Denver Alana Shoemaker