My Erectile Dysfunction

Suffering from an erectile dysfunction is very frustrating… It started about 8 months ago, when I started to notice that my erections just didn’t get as hard as usual anymore. At first, I didn’t really worry about it, as I never had sex anyway. But about a month later, my penis started to spontaneously go limp while I was masturbating, sometimes even as I was cumming…

Shortly after that, I noticed a drastic decrease in erection stiffness. No matter how pent up I got, my penis just wouldn’t get stiff anymore. (I was always able to bend my cockhead) At that point, I went to a doctor. We did some tests but nothing was found and at the end, he diagnosed me with a severe case of erectile dysfunction…

It got worse and worse and by october, I usually couldn’t really get hard anymore, without spending hours watching porn… and even when I managed to get an erection, I would lose it shortly after.