respects the copyrights and all intellectual property rights of others and we expect all users on the Site to do the same. It’s our site policy to ban, terminate and/or disable any and all accounts of those users that infringe on or repeatedly get reported for copyright infringement and/or the infringement of intellectual property rights.

Submit a DMCA Request

You can submit a dmca request on this page, for even faster service, you can report content right from the page itself. There is a flag icon at the top of each page on the website. Simply click the flag and report the content.

You don’t even need an account to do it. View the image below to see where to click and report the content.

You can also submit your request right on this page. Feel free to submit all dmca requests or notices using the form below. Please include all URLs in the form below for faster service.


Please complete the required fields.


DMCA Request Guide

In accordance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998 — will respond as fast as possible to any and all claims of copyright infringement committed by users on the freakden platform, that are reported to by emailing

When emailing your requests please include the disputed URLs so that we may act on them immediately.

If you are the copyright owner, or have been authorized to act on behalf of the owner, or even if you’re authorized to act under any exclusive right under copyright, please report any and all alleged copyright infringements that you believe are taking place on or via the site by completing a DMCA notice of alleged infringement and delivering it to

Upon receipt of the notice, will take the necessary actions needed to correct the problem, at its sole discretion and when it deems appropriate including but not limited to the removal of the contested content but also by banning or terminating the accounts of the offenders.

We will not tolerate copyright infringement whatsoever!